Today is January 2nd 2009. I began "Woven Voices: Messages from the Heart" a year ago with the intention of completing the whole project by early summer. Much to my delight and surprise, this project demonstrated that there is a long term need for community art that can foster peace and international good will.
I have received over 1300 messages from as far as India, Italy, Iraq, Spain, Washington and California. 110 prayer flags have been woven by 18 volunteers. All of these flags have been sent out to locations as far away as Africa and Italy and as close as York Maine. I have several photos of the flags installed, sending peace and positive energy back to the planet.
One of my visions of this project is to have it accessible to anyone, anywhere without cost. However, it is clear that I must seek funding to support basic overhead, the purchase of materials and the costs to send the flags back out the the world. I appreciate very much those individuals that have made financial donations. Any suggestions for funding support is welcome!
I continue to work on the photo gallery of flags installed in a wide variety of locations. These images are from the CA desert and the Pantheon in Rome. If you have prayer flags, please send me your photos or short videos!
If you are one of the generous folks that sent me messages, I continue to weave and send out flags as I am able. Thanks for your patience!
Positive messages are always welcome! This is a perfect time of year to put words of hope, peace and prosperity in writing...to make hope concrete and to share it with the world.
Thank you to all for your support and sharing my vision of art as a transformational vehicle for global peace. Many thanks to the 18 weavers who traveled to my studio to create prayer flags for others. Please join this effort if you are inclined and able.
Namaste, Sarah