The cool mid-day breezes of May lifted our voices and our hearts.
We read messages that were written on a long red ribbon from a Brownie Troop in CT, a large paper banner from a Womens' International Peace Gathering in Italy, from a Bahai" School in PA and messages from folks all across the USA.
I am always amazed by who shows up and what happens when I make the effort to be present.
A few times in the past when I have read messages in Market Square, I have been questioned by the police and even asked to move the prayer flags.
I am conscious of being in a public space and my need to be considerate of the passers by.
So today, when a Portsmouth police officer was approaching, I hoped we would not be asked to stop or move. Instead, he cheerfully offered to take this photo so I could be in it! I am reminded to be open to surprise!
And now for some prayer flags out in the world...these images come from a delightful group of women who came to my studio to weave flags this winter.
Here they are hanging their flags outside on a river bank for all to enjoy.

Peace and joy to all, Sarah