There's an old saying that the most important action we can take is to just show up. On November 11th, I showed up in Market Square Portsmouth, NH. I showed up to read messages of hope and renewal that have been entrusted to me by hundreds of unknown friends. I showed up so that I could honor these messages by reading them out loud in public. I showed up because it matters to me that these messages are given voice, are spoken out loud. I showed up and was greeted by strangers,friends and family. I showed up and was humbled by the power of just being present. With the help of a dozen folks, I read over 200 new messages. These messages will now be ready to be woven into prayer flags.
Back in the studio, the weaving progresses along. All are welcome to come help with this process. Completed flags are being shipped out slowly. Watch your mail box for yours!
Be well, Sarah