My beloved brother Wes |
all of life is impermanent. This is a lesson that is sometimes is simple, as in the impermanence of a lovely cut flower, or a summer day that ends at sunset, or a prayer flag that deteriorates over a period of months in the weather.
About ten days ago I had the biggest lesson I hope I ever get about the laws of impermanence. My beloved brother Weston, who was my companion on the trans-Atlantic crossing last winter, was
killed on August 18th. in Searsport, Maine. He was 58.
He was an amazing man, brother, son, father and uncle, who was in the happiest chapter of his life.
As you can imagine our family has been devastated by a tornado of shock, disbelief, and deep, deep grief. Following this turbulent storm has been a tsunami of love and support.
Emily and Grandma Betty |
Within this surge of complete love has been the community weavers. Weavers with experience have stepped in to teach those inexperienced who want to come and weave.I have surrendered to the love and healing that has flowed like a steady river.
We are sending out prayer flags weekly. Dozens have gone to
Norway, to
India, to
Portland Oregon.
Prayer flag flies over Puget Sound |
Corner of Kidder Pt. Rd. and Rte1 Searsport, Maine. Prayer flag on left. |
Dozens more prayer flags are hand delivered to those who help weave and those who are in pain, suffering or grief. Some people have even sent some back to me! One such prayer flag arrived back to me in the mail on the day my family visited the site where my brother was killed. We made a little shrine with flowers and I hung this prayer flag on the telephone pole. I will be back up in Searsport next week teaching at
Fiber College, and plan to bring more prayer flags.
My intention to hand deliver hundreds of prayer flags to NYC and Ground Zero has changed due to this traumatic turn of events. My efforts will be closer to home.
Prayer flags entwined with flowers in NH private garden |
Sunday, September 11th at noon I will be reading about 250 messages of hope and peace that have been accumulating all summer.
Please join me for this event in honor of those who lost their lives ten years ago on 9/11/01.
You are welcome to send messages to be read on this day until 9/10/11.
I will be shipping prayer flags to NYC to at least one site,
The Carter Burden Center that has welcomed them with open arms. If you have contact information for additional sites, I am still seeking locations.
Wes adjust Mom's helmet. July 9th, 2011 |
Prayer flags will continue to be woven until we have fulfilled all
Kickstarter goals. Flags will be flying in locations world wide, from the humble to the lofty, from the quiet of a private garden, to a busy roadside intersection. All flags bring peace and goodwill. All flags woven with love.
Here is one last photo of my brother, as he adjusts a helmet so he can take our 90 year old mother for a ride on his antique Triumph.
Ride on Wes...we love you!!
Thank you to all who have sent love and prayers. We are surrounded by your healing love.
In Peace, in love ~ Sarah